Customer Feedback

This Feedback will improve our company service .

Which category below includes your age?

17 or younger






60 or older

Do you like our product, neither like nor dislike it, or dislike it?

Like a great deal

Like a moderate amount

Like a little

Neither like nor dislike

Dislike a little

Dislike a moderate amount

Dislike a great deal

Do you like our service, neither like nor dislike it, or dislike it?

Like a great deal

Like a moderate amount

Like a little

Neither like nor dislike

Dislike a little

Dislike a moderate amount

Dislike a great deal

Do you think prices at our company are too high, too low, or about right?

Much too high

Somewhat too high

Slightly too high

About right

Slightly too low

Somewhat too low

Much too low

Were you satisfied with your last experience with our company, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it?

Extremely satisfied

Moderately satisfied

Slightly satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Slightly dissatisfied

Moderately dissatisfied

Extremely dissatisfied

How professional is our company?

Extremely professional

Very professional

Moderately professional

Slightly professional

Not at all professional

What do you like most about our new service?

What changes would most improve our new service?

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